Thailand disagrees with the Chinese government about planning to build 12 hydropower dams on the lower of Mekong river. They said that dams would be destroy the ecosystem. Prasarn Maruekpithak and Surajit Chiraveth were invited by the Mekong River Commission to attend a workshop in Vietnam. The meeting discussed four options including to scrap all the dam project, to delay it for study of the impact, to build a dam as pilot project, and to move ahead with plans to build 12 dams. The meeting that said the only benefit of dams was electricity production, and that there were many other choice source that can be apply. Lao agrees with Thailand because their country is the end of international waterway, so their will affected the most. China's four dams on the upper have already destroyed the river's ecosystem.
In my opinion, I disagree with what Chinese's government is going to do because it will cause a lot damage to international river. But the reason that no one complain what Chinese do is because Chinese is the second powerful country in the world and we just are the third world country, so I think that this world is not fair. It just depend on who has a lot more money and authority.