วันศุกร์ที่ 20 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Hair-raising art

now thailand is creative and design centre and believe in ghost so they creativity with a new exhibition that will take you through a terrifying experience in the realm of spine-chilling myths. the exhibition is will be at TCDC's Gallery 2 on the 6th floor of the Emporium during August 20 november to november 21 open it every tuesday and sunday 10.30am - 9pm and the viewer will be amazing by how the model technology has been made about thai culture.

In my opinion i think this will be a great idea to make this exhibition because some people aren't believe in ghost so they can come and have a look about this thing especailly i would like to bring my international friend to come and watch cause their culture doesn't believe in ghost. so i think this will be a good time to show

Link : http://www.bangkokpost.com/entertainment/entertainscoop/192027/hair-raising-art

