วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Teachers call for more Thai language us

This article shows us about the problem of Thai language that we have to concern. It also give me the information about Thai's children who don't interesting in their own language but they are interesting in other languages. I think this problem is begin from an actor, a singer or a model of the other countries who became the idol of our children.

The Association of Thai-Language Teachers of Thailand (ATTT) concerns about children don't care their own language. Now, children in Thailand are active to learn other language more than Thai. ATTT has to help Thai and Education Ministry to support our schools to improve their writing skills more as their use of Thai. They also have to support a local dialects because if they don't do, the local dialects will disappear in soon.

In my opinion, I agree with a writer because this problem is happening in children who are age around me. So I face to this problem with myself. My sister is also the one who usually use writing skill in a wrong way. I really get mad when I saw it. I know this is a teenager style when they talk or they write to each other but it's not me. I also a teenager too but I don't want to let this problem happen. I think we need to find someone who can solves this problem before our local dialects will disappear.

Link: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/2010/07/21/national/Teachers-call-for-more-Thai-language-use-30134206.html

