วันอังคารที่ 31 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Fashion fair planned to help speed up sales

The Thailand Fashion Expo in October is expected to help further improve business in the Ratchaprasong area. The Commerce Ministry will join with CentralWorld, Siam Paragon, and leading local brand owners. The government has funding, 50 million, include business matchmaking, and exhibitions of leading local products. The fair would include conference with two world-renowned designers who are Vivienne Westwood and Nunthirat "Koy" Suwannagate. They will showcase their work at the event. In parallel with the expo, a designer competition reality show will be transmit on Channel 9.

In my opinion, I'm very agree with this project because the effect of political crisis is make a lot of trouble to many owners business around an area. The reason that they have this project because they want Thai's economy to get better after the political crisis. That means Thai people still love and taking care of each other. I am so happy of this news. I hope Thaialnd will be better than this. The reason that I choose thia new is because I love fashion and i want to show that Thai people still love each other.


Gold prices higher

This news remind everyone about gold prices on this Saturday. Today the Gold Trader Association announce the buying price of gold ornaments is 17,979.76 baht per baht-weight, and the buying price of gold bar is 18,250 baht per baht-weight. Besides, the selling price of gold ornament is 18,750 baht per baht-weight and the selling price of gold bar is 18,350 baht per baht-weight. They are higher than ever, they are usually increased prices especially time at oil-crisis that makes gold price crisis too.

In my opinion, gold is a very stable metal. It is suitable for being indicator of finance. But present increasing, I think it is too fast because ten years ago it was only 4,000 baht. Nowadays it estimate 18,000 baht. Increasing affect to cost of everything that people consume. That is sure that meals and fare are added prices too. Furthermore, oil-crisis affect to cost of everything too. It is not only gold prices.


Extradition of Thaksin

This story tells about public prosecutor or people who are prosecutors plan to seek the fugitive Thaksin Shinnawatra and red shirt leaders who run overseas. Director-general Tharit Pengdit say that agency is working with police to catch red shirt leaders who are hiding in Thailand and abroad. They are known to be living outside Thailand include Thaksin who is living in Montenegro, and Arisman Pongruangrong was spotted at hotel in Cambodian province, so public prosecutors will seek those people urgently. Furthermore, Tharit Pengdit, he add indictment to red shirt leaders, who do not remand in police.

In my opinion, I think this news is very risk for stabality of Thai population, and indication this news should be careful. Nowadays, Thai population is very sensitive. Some groups are still calm but some group are violent, and already go out to create problem or trouble. Those affect our country in the bad aspect. However, in Thailand, many people still love and respect Thaksin and red shirt group so reporters should be careful for reveal this news.


Thailand opposes lower Mekong dams

Thailand disagrees with the Chinese government about planning to build 12 hydropower dams on the lower of Mekong river. They said that dams would be destroy the ecosystem. Prasarn Maruekpithak and Surajit Chiraveth were invited by the Mekong River Commission to attend a workshop in Vietnam. The meeting discussed four options including to scrap all the dam project, to delay it for study of the impact, to build a dam as pilot project, and to move ahead with plans to build 12 dams. The meeting that said the only benefit of dams was electricity production, and that there were many other choice source that can be apply. Lao agrees with Thailand because their country is the end of international waterway, so their will affected the most. China's four dams on the upper have already destroyed the river's ecosystem.

In my opinion, I disagree with what Chinese's government is going to do because it will cause a lot damage to international river. But the reason that no one complain what Chinese do is because Chinese is the second powerful country in the world and we just are the third world country, so I think that this world is not fair. It just depend on who has a lot more money and authority.


Sea turtles hatch in Chiang Mai

At Chiang Mai Zoo aquarium has sea turtles hatched. The turtle's eggs are part of a turtle festival which is cooperation between Chiang Mai Zoo and the navy's Sea Turtle Conservation Centre.The protection centre will feed a new born turtle around five to six months before releasing them to the sea for make sure that they will can survive. Male turtles will be more hatched than female because of the cooler weather, and this is good for the conservation. The turtle festival was prepared for bring up awareness of shelled animal and to encourage people to get involved in conservation efforts.

In my opinion, I agree with Chiang Mai Zoo because nowadays, turtles are not normally to find it. Some type are disappear but some type are still have but not much, so we have to concern about this animal.


วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Bangkok voted world's best city

Bangkok and Chiangmai has been vote to be the world best city in the Travel + Leisure's 2010 World's Best Awards readers survey. The survey happened before the red shirt situation. Florence in Italy, San Miguel de Allende in Mexico and Rome, Italy were the other cities that made up the top five.Last year, Bangkok ranked the third , but the first this year. The Bangkok governor, MR Sukhumbhand Paribatra will go to New York next week to get the award. This award shows the popularity of Bangkok to foreigners around the world, making better economy in tourism of Thailand.

For my opinion I do agree with this news because I love Bangkok and I think that Bangkok is the best city on the world. The reason that I choose this news is because I really proud of this news that our city become the best city over the world while our political problem.

Thai airways make emergency landing.

Boeing 747. The airplane has some engine problem after 20 minute take off. When the airplane take off with 330 passengers, It fire broke out one of engine. This reason make emergency landing to this airplane. Fortunately, this event does not have injured people. After safely landing, people on the plane are evacuated from airplane to safe place. People who are responsible say this airplane pass pre-flight inspections

In my opinion, airplanes should be the safest vehicle. Why does Thai Airways let this situation occur? This situation destroy the image of tourism of Thailand, and it make credibility of Thailand tourism worse. Eventhough, all of passengers and crew is safe but reliability of people do not safe too.
